Palau was founded in 1956 in Valls, Tarragona, with a very concise motto. Palau is the quintessential Valls chips-house due it's where they are made and their distribution point. With an exquisite quality, Palau makes the just quantity every day to achieve that all customers have chips at their optimum taste. They use the fantastic potatoes from Prades and olive oil.
Palau was founded in 1956 in Valls, Tarragona, with a very concise motto. Palau is the quintessential Valls chips-house due it's where they are made and their distribution point. With an exquisite quality, Palau makes the just quantity every day to achieve that all customers have chips at their optimum taste. They use the fantastic potatoes from Prades and olive oil.
- Elaborado en:
- Valls
- Varietales
- Patata de prades